According to the description of the Kojiki, Shita-teru-hime-no-mikoto, whose pseudonym was Imo-taka-hime-no-mikoto and was enshrined in Okutu-Miya of Munakata, was the daughter of the pair of Oo-kuni-nushi-no-kami and Tagiri-bime-no-mikoto and the sister of Aji-suki-taka-hiko-ne-no-mikoto, whose pseudonym was Kamo-no-oo-kami. On the other hand, Koto-shiro-nushi-no-kami was the son of the pair of Oo-kuni-nushi-no-kami and Kamuya-tate-hime-no-mikoto. Therefore, Koto-shiro-nushi-no-kami was a half brother of Shita-teru-hime-no-mikoto.