The Chronicle of Japan introduces the first three deities, Kuni-no-tokotachi-no-mikoto, Kuni-no-satchi-no-mikoto and Toyokumunu-no-mikoto, enumerating other six documents stating their aliases and names of different views. On the other hand, the Kojiki counts Ame-no-minakanusi-no-kami, Takamimusuhi-no-kami and Kamimusubino-kami for the first tree. Besides these three deities, the Kojiki mentions four more deities. The forth deity would have been Umashi-ashikabi-hikoji-no-kami and the next fifth Ame-no-tokotachi-no-kami, appearing from something like soft floating jelly. These first five deities are said to be Amatu-kami, which would mean Heavenly Deities.