"We can find similar confusion in Korean Peninsula. Wei and Wu also tried to make their ways into countries in Korean Peninsula.(「同じような混乱は、三韓諸国(馬韓・辰韓・弁韓)にもみることができるんだ。魏と呉は三韓諸国にも進出しようとしていたんだ。」)"
"The alliance of Wei and the Federal Queen country tried to defeat Wu, in the other hand, the alliance of Wu and the Federal Kunu country tried to defeat Wei.(「魏・女王国同盟は呉を打ち負かそうとし、一方、呉・狗奴国同盟は魏を打ち負かそうとしたんだ。)"
"In short, Wu allied with the Federal Kunu country and Wei allied with the Federal Queen country. It is possible that Japan was divided into two camps in the 3rd century.(「すなわち、呉は狗奴国と同盟し、魏は女王国と同盟したんだ。3世紀の日本は、二大陣営にわかれていた可能性があるんだ。」)"
"The King of the Federal Kunu conutry, Hikomiko is male, while Queen Himiko is female. They had been antagonized each other for a long time.(狗奴国王の’ひこみこ’は男性で、卑弥呼は女性。両国は、以前から対立していたんだ。)"
"Wei's stategy was to put pressure on Wu by forming a united front together with the Federal Queen country.(「魏の戦略は、女王国と共同戦線をはることで、呉に圧力を加えるというものだったんだ。」)"
"Wei allied with the Federal Queen country and presented a gold stamp engraved 'Japanese King Friendly with Wei' to Himiko in A.D.240(「魏は、西暦240年に女王国と同盟を結び、卑弥呼に「親魏倭王」の金印を贈るんだ。」)"