"Probably, Prince Oonamuchi watched and observed his father's bad way of rule. Shortly, Prince Susanoo served as many examples of how not to behave and rule(「たぶん、おおなむち尊は、自分の父の悪い統治方法をよく観察していたんだ。すなわち、すさのお尊は、反面教師だったんだ。」)"
"Prince Oonamuchi is like Zeus, because the father of Zeus, Saturn, was an evil ruler just like as Satan but Zeus was respected among people.(「おおなむち尊は、ゼウスのようじゃ。ゼウスの父のサルタヌスは、まさにサタンのような邪悪な支配者じゃったからのう。だが、ゼウスは、人々から尊敬された。」)"
"I mentioned before that Prince Sasaoo did not have ability of governance and was a notorious tyrant. But his son, Prince Oonamuchi, was respected among people as a good ruler.(「前にも述べたように、すさのお尊は、統治能力がなくて、悪名高い独裁者だったんだけれど、その息子のおおなむち尊は、よき統治者として人々から尊敬されたんだ。」)"
"After coming back from the heavenly land, Prince Susanoo married Princess Kushi-Inada, who was restored from a comb, and begot his son, Prince Oonamuchi.(「高天原から戻ったすさのお尊は、櫛の姿からもとの姿にもどったくしいなだ姫を娶って、おおなむち尊が生まれるんだ。」)"
"The Sword of Kusanagi became one of the three Sacred Regalia of the Tennno's House. Later I would like to talk about an interesting legend and history of the Sword of Kusanagi.(「草薙の剣は、三種の神器の一つとなるんだ。あとで、草薙の剣にまつわる興味深い伝説と歴史についてお話するね。」)"
"Then, Prince Susanoo went up to the heavenly land and dedicated the Sword of Kusanagi to Amaterasu Oomikami.(「そこで、すさのお尊は、高天原に昇って行って、草薙の剣を天照大神に献上するんだ。」)"
"Prince Susanoo thought that he should not posess that divine sword, the Sword of Kusanagi, and should dedicate it to Amaterasu Oomikami.(「すさのお尊は、この神聖なる剣、草薙の剣は、自分が持っているべきではなく、天照大神に献上すべきだと考えるんだ。」)"
"Prince Susanoo found out a beautiful divine sword in the tail of Yamatano-Orochi. This sword, the Sword of Kusanagi, is the cause that his sword was chipped.(「すさのお尊は、八岐大蛇のしっぽから、美しい神聖な剣を発見するんだ。すさのお尊の剣が欠けたのは、この剣、すなわち、草薙の剣が原因だったんだ。」)"