As for Uzumasa in Japanese, Dr. Yoshirou Saeki propounded a view in1908 that pronunciation of this term would be likely to be coincident with “Isyu Masha”? in Aramanic, which means “Jesus Messiah” of the Christianity. To add to this unique explanation, he insisted that the Hata clan must have been devotees of Nestorianism[i], which was advocated by Nestorius, an archbishop of Constantinople in 5th century, and that was branded as heterodoxy on the Council of Ephesus in 431, reproached his negation of unity in divinity and humanity within the personality of the Christ. However, if Uzumasa were named after words associating with Nestorianism, it would be in the later period when this title was conferred in Japan. It seems rather possible that the belief of the Hata clan sould have been not Nestorinism but Earliest Christianity or Judaism.
[i] Ibid., pp. 246-248.