Chapo continued talking(ちゃぽちゃんは、お話を続けました。):―
"For example, in The Tale of Genji, which was established by Lady Murasaki in the early period of the 11th century, Emperor Kiritsubo, hearing a prophesy that his son (the protagonist: Hikaru Genji) would be the most powerful statesman, orders him to study hard and to learn earnestly in every field.(「例えば、11世紀初頭に紫式部によって書かれた『源氏物語』では、桐壷帝は、光源氏が天下をたすける人になるという予言を聞いて、光源氏に、あらゆる分野を一生懸命に、勉強させるんだ。」)"