"And a female deity, Ameno-Uzume, put on a peruke made with Cleyera leaves and danced comically in funny costume and act.(「そして、天のうずめの命は、さかきでできた鬘をかぶって、滑稽な服装としぐさで、へんてこなダンスを踊ったんだ。」)"
"A holy Cleyera tree with large mirrors, gems and ribbons was erected and several priests of the deities recited a prayer.(「いをつみすまる(玉)、やたの鏡、ぬさで飾った榊がたてられ、神官は祝詞をあげたんだ。」)"
"They ordered a strong-armed deoty to stand by the door of the heavenly cave. For they were going to pull Amaterasu Oomikami out of the heavenly cave when she would open the door.(「やおろずの神々は、手力雄神を天の磐屋のそばに立たせたんだ。というのは、天照大神が天の磐屋の扉を開けた時に、引っ張り出すつもりだったんだ。」)"
"Their plan was to perform a merry daytime party. They expected that Amaterasu Oomikami would doubt a sunrise in spite of her absence and would come from the heavenly cave in order to see this merry daytime party.(「やおろずの神々の計画とは、昼間のお祭り騒ぎを演出することだったんだ。彼らは、天照大神(太陽神)が、自分がいないにもかかわらず、太陽が昇っていることを訝しがって、この昼間のお祭り騒ぎを見るために、天の磐屋からでてくることを期待したんだ。」)"
"Then, all of deities assenbled by the heavenly river (the Galaxy) and worked on the plan to tale out Amaterasu Oomikami from the heavenly cave.(「そこで、神々は天の安川に集まって、天照大神を天の磐屋から引き出す方法を考えるんだ。」)"