Chapo continued talking(ちゃぽちゃんは、お話を続けました。):―
"In the North-Eastern area of China (a prefecture adjacent to Korean Peninsula), there is a stone pillar erected in A.D.414 by a king of Koguryu, in which a monumental inscription was carved (Koguryu (?ー668) is a country which ruled the area from North-Eastern area of China to North area of Korean Peninsula). In it, we can find description about movement of Japan in the 4th century.(「中国北東部(中国吉林省集安県)に、414年に高句麗(?-668年)の王によって建立された高句麗好太王碑文があるんだ。そこに、4世紀の日本の動静についての記述が見えるんだ。」)"