Chapo continued talking(ちゃぽちゃんは、お話を続けました。):―
"This epitaph has the following contents:―The Great General of Ann-Ton, King Shima of Kudara, demised on 7th May A.D.523 (i.e. the Ki-Bou Year in 60-agenary cycle) at age sixty two. On 12th August A.D.465 (i.e. the Itu-Shi Year in 60-agenary cycle), his great tomb for the repose of his soul was completed. Then, this epotaph was made for recording his career as above.(この墓誌は、このような内容もののなんだ。「安東大将軍百済王斯麻(しま)は、癸卯年(西暦523)5月7日に、62歳で崩御された。乙巳年(西暦465)8月12日に、王の冥福を祈るための陵墓が完成した。よって、上記のごとく、王の経歴を墓誌に刻んだ。」)"