Chapo continued talking(ちゃぽちゃんは、お話を続けました。):―
"Furthermore, Miss Yuuko Kuranishi is studying about two Buddhism images, Kudara Kannon and Kuze Kannon in Horyuu-ji Temple, both of which were producted in the 7th century. Horyuu-ji Temple is very famous because it is the extant oldest wooden building in the world, which was erected in the 7th century or was rebuilt in the early period of 8th century. She published her books on these images.(「さらに、倉西裕子は、7世紀に造仏された法隆寺の百済観音と救世観音についての研究もしているんだ。法隆寺は、7世紀に建立、もしくは8世紀前半に再建された現存世界最古の木造建造物として、とって~も有名なんだ。倉西裕子は、これらの仏像についても本を出版しているんだ。」)"