Chapo continued talking(ちゃぽちゃんは、お話を続けました。):―
"Tale of Prince Hiko-Hohodemi treats a mythological struggle of two brother gods. Finally, Prince Hiko-Hohodemi, the younger brother, wins the struggle and his offsprings have the right to success the Throne. Both of Nihonshoki and Kojiki deal with this mythology. And this story may remind us of the biblical story, Esau and Jacob. This picture-scroll is interesting not only from the point of Japanese history, but also the point of world history.(「『彦火火出見尊絵巻』は、山彦・海彦神話を扱っているんだ。結局、弟宮の彦火火出見尊が兄弟争いに勝って、皇位継承権を持つんだ。『日本書紀』にも『古事記』にも、この神話が載せてあるんだ。それに、この物語は、『聖書』のエソウとヤコブのお話を思い起こさせるかもしれない。この絵巻は、日本史の観点からも世界史の観点からも興味深いんだ。」)"